Taking financial ratings from print to online subcriptions.

IDC pricing page

We transformed tens of thousands of financial ratings data points into a digital subscription product.

"Their project management has been excellent. They helped us make decisions based on what would be best for our customers, our knowledge, and their information."

- Independent client review, Clutch

Project Highlights

  • I introduced and continued to coach IDC's team on Agile methodology 
  • We guided IDC through developing a new subscription-based pricing model
  • We set up custom rules for data access and renewals
  • Integrated with Stripe payments
  • Focused on user friendly tools that would not over burden administrative staff
  • Strategically planned each year's improvements based on user and admin needs

IDC Financial Publishing

IDC uses its unique CAMEL rankings of financial ratios to determine the safety ratings of more than 12,000 banks, bank holding companies, savings institutions, and credit unions in the US. Prior to our work with them, these ratings were printed and shipped to customers each quarter. In 2015, IDC engaged Table XI to develop an online portal where customers could subscribe to various digital options. As one of my first clients, I worked with IDC for years to implement an initial solution that evolved over time. 

As their project manager, I worked with their product owner to develop an online subscription platform from the ground up. Together, we:

  • Designed a custom online portal offering various subscription options
  • Conducted various user research sprints to inform key features and pricing levels
  • Designed a robust ETL process to move data between their proprietary back-end to the portal
  • Streamlined a fast online purchase experience
  • Integrated one-off purchases and recurring subscriptions with Stripe
  • Offered more advanced "team" account management
  • Provided simple administrative tools for their staff to review and publish quarterly data
  • Implemented multiple factor authentication and a device management tracking system
  • Improved analytics tracking using Mixpanel
  • Leveraged Bootstrap themes to fit design within budget constraints
"Their project management, adaptability, and communication all continue to make for a positive engagement, as well as their willingness to really understand clients’ businesses."

- Independent client review, Clutch

IDC Bank Page

A "locked" view of an institution's CAMEL rating page. Subscription options unlock various access levels to this data.

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Judith Sol Dyess
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+1 (802) 725-0591
(C) 2019-2025 Judith Sol Group, LLC